About Me

Hi! Welcome to Restart. I'm Brenda and I live in The South. I'm just a lady that loves her family and sharing my life.That life has made a major change after 29 years of being wife and Nana. Now I live for me. I have dreams that I had let die and today I must live them. God has blessed me with a second chance at life and I desire to live it to the fullest.I am into eating healthy,exercise,running,hiking and bike riding. If it means staying in shape and feeling good I am all for it ....other things I enjoy or cooking, decorating,thrifting,travel and walking where history took place.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Move that body....

Where it all started...Thank you ONE80
A year and a half into my journey
Good morning friends...Today I want to talk to you about something that has really changed my life and can change yours. I have titled it "Move that body" of course I am talking EXERCISE...this can come in many forms from a simple walk to extreme weight lifting.
I know this subject can be a touchy one for many..I have been on both ends of the spectrum believe me I know. A year before my husband left I was a WRECK...yes a mess. Within a few months of each other I had my right ankle crushed,a toe cut off on another foot,a wreck and bleed for 11 straight weeks and ended up having a hysterectomy.OH and I didn't mention I had already been diagnosed and was medication for Fibromyalgia. But that is a whole nother story.So anyway back to my story..all of these things put me in a wheel chair. I could not walk because each leg and foot had something wrong so what did I do "GOT FAT: oh I tried to get up and go,but with the pain and the extra weight I would wear out and did very little.
Okay fast forward some...March three years ago Im sitting here falling apart..my husband whom I have know most of my life has gone and my body is falling apart WHAT was I to do? I woke up early one day to see me doctor because I was sick from the break up of my marriage, I was taking medication just to be able to survive..I walk in and I am out of breath about to cry telling him how bad I hurt and feel. The next thing out of his mouth changed my life EXERCISE. WHAT.. doctor you must be crazy I can hardly stand mustless walk and exercise. I just love my doctor he was kinda like me he doesn't bullcrap you he tells you like it is. That day we talked about how this would help me and even lifting light weight would help my muscle pain. I had to decide something here and that was to "Move that body" or stay like I was. Oh believe me I had every excuse in the world of why I couldn't and shouldn't,but it was live or die and I wanted to live. I went down to our local gym and I did it!!! I joined the gym. I can't tell you how upset I was to see all the pretty fit ladies when I felt like a beat down cow BUT I did it and that was a start to a new me. Please understand to get something new you have to do something new...START. I tell people today even if it is a walk around the yard or if you are bound to a chair getting small hand weights to lift YOU can do it.I had to start somewhere and I promise it was slow!! Each time I built myself up more and more and even though It hurt it was a good hurt. I am happy to say today I work out at my gym...I run and walk...I even rode my bicycle 9 miles the first time I got on it. It all started from deciding to "Move that body"
                  Im including Walking Benefits page from Doctor Oz..I just love that man!!!


  1. I knew some of this story and I remember when you got your ankle crushed when something fell on it in a store. I remember that it seemed like one bad thing after another was happening. But, look at you now. It is unbelievable except I have seen it happen before my eyes. Praise be to God that He never left you to suffer alone. After all, you are His child. You go girl!

    1. Thank you..Yes mam you have been a great friend and prayed many prayers for me =) I am so thankful that with my Blog I found friends like you.

  2. You are an inspiration!! Love ya sis!!

    1. Thanks for always being there Tami...what a blessing I got when God sent you my friend.
