About Me

Hi! Welcome to Restart. I'm Brenda and I live in The South. I'm just a lady that loves her family and sharing my life.That life has made a major change after 29 years of being wife and Nana. Now I live for me. I have dreams that I had let die and today I must live them. God has blessed me with a second chance at life and I desire to live it to the fullest.I am into eating healthy,exercise,running,hiking and bike riding. If it means staying in shape and feeling good I am all for it ....other things I enjoy or cooking, decorating,thrifting,travel and walking where history took place.


Monday, March 31, 2014

Do Words mean anything anymore?

This is something that has been on my heart for a few days. I have put this off in hopes that it would pass and I wouldn't have to blog about it ,BUT it didn't. I ask the question "Do words mean anything anymore" when I speak of words I also include vows,spoken words and promises. It just appalls me this day in time at how many take relationships and marriage so lightly. I for one have been through this so I know the feeling,but have had many people share their story with me and it seems never ending.
This all really hit home last week when a guy from my past started to text me. This is someone that I had become very close to and shared some very special times.A guy that had a tongue of gold and could make you feel like a queen. In the end I realized he was a very mixed up man and one that had drug my heart right along with him. The text started with the I miss you and how wonderful things were and so on...really dude then why if it was so wonderful did I hurt? The text didn't stop as he began to express the desire to see me( let me make this clear my daddy didn't raise a fool and I don't go back for seconds) with the desire to see me he started to use words that would play on my emotions. Im happy to say I didn't feed into this. It was just a few days later that photos of him and his girlfriend started to appear on FB. REALLY man... I wonder how she would like to know off his text and games. If I had played into his game and words I could have been used once again. I am thankful to God for opening my eyes to things like this.
Lets take the words "I love you" I ask how can you speak these words and then in the next breath walk away? How can you speak these words and then be cheating with another person? How can you speak these words and be abusing? I for one don't think you can even know what the word means. No wonder it is so hard for a good person to find a mate...men and women alike have been so hurt and abused that there is no trust. After so many times of someone using you it is easy to feel broken and not lovable. This is when you have to look down deep and see who you are as a person and realize there are some sick people out there.People with no self worth. It is important to realize that it is who they are and no matter how great they speak of themselves they need help.
As this came to me I not only thought about my story and others,but of situations and ways to stop some of this and make people take a look at who they really are.
Lets look at this situation for a minute... a married person approaches you and starts to flirt how can you handle that? I say call them out on it. I have done this on many occasion and it pretty much shuts them up.I feel if more people with values would do this it would slow the process.
I have had many married men come onto me and it just makes me sick at my stomach. I love to put them in their place because I know the pain of the woman at home. If more women would do this and not fall into their trap of cheating I feel it would get better. Nothing feels better than a big burly man walking up and walking away feeling about a inch tall because you turned him down. OH don't get me wrong I know this is not only men. There are some horrible women out there that love nothing more than to split up homes.Their job is to cause unhappiness because they are not happy.They prey on trying to pump their ego when all in all they are using you for their sickness.People we have value and we need to see it!
After my divorce and in dating others I came across some real pieces of art or should I say nuts? Men that tell you they want something special and someone to love them when in return all they want is no commitment and to play games.They are on a roller coaster of destruction in their life. They go from woman (man) to the next looking for something to fill a void. That void will never be filled until they fix self.
Lets look at this from another avenue. This is another one that makes me sick to my stomach. This is the person that lures you with all the things you need to hear,money and gifts and only wants to use you for pleasure. Not only are they using you,but a whole list of others. Once again speaking words that are beautiful,but have no meaning.
I for one wonder what this world is coming to when every where you look you see this. People being used,hurt and manipulated by someone you trusted. People being torn down and thrown away leaving them feeling empty.A world where words are spoken for self gain. A world that uses their bodies like a game.
I truly sometimes wonder are there any good people left? People that believe in God and the way he designed marriage and relationships?People of value? People that stand behind what they speak?
Do words mean anything anymore?

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