About Me

Hi! Welcome to Restart. I'm Brenda and I live in The South. I'm just a lady that loves her family and sharing my life.That life has made a major change after 29 years of being wife and Nana. Now I live for me. I have dreams that I had let die and today I must live them. God has blessed me with a second chance at life and I desire to live it to the fullest.I am into eating healthy,exercise,running,hiking and bike riding. If it means staying in shape and feeling good I am all for it ....other things I enjoy or cooking, decorating,thrifting,travel and walking where history took place.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

We must run the race and lay aside the worlds distractions

We must keep our eyes open to see where we are running!
Do you ever find yourself running to and fro,but coming back full circle..never getting any where,but worn out,stressed out and blisters on your feet. I think we all have and I know I have. Many times this happens because we are not running the direction God has for us or we take our eyes off the finish line.We get sidetracked by so many things along the way.
When a runner runs a race, his focus is not on the people in the stands or the runners around him,but on the finish line! As a believer,your life is just like a race and as you run,it is important to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus
(Hebrew 12:1,2)
1)Therefore then,since we are surrounded by so great of cloud of witnesses who have borne testimony to the truth,let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weigh)and that is sin which so readily(deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us,and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race set before us.
2) Looking away from all that will distract to Jesus, Who is the leader and the source of our faith giving thr first incentive for our belief and is also the Finisher bringing it to maturity and perfection. He for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before him,endured the cross,despising and ignoring the shame,and is now seated st the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1 tells us if we are going to run the race we must lay down the weight( What has you past and life weighted you down with that you still carry? We must lay it down to make it to the end)

We also in this race have to make sure we are in shape( fed up in Gods promises to give us strength to go forward)
We must also see that there is nothing attached to us that will hinder our run.(shed the garbage from your life that has weighted you down)
Some hindrances to running a race well is to many commitments is one that keeps us from developing our potential.Letting others control us and tell us how we should do, can keep us from our potential.Not knowing how to say no and getting to involved in others problems keeps us from our full potential.
The devil comes up with many ways to get us sidetracked to keep us from doing what we should be doing.
If we want to do what God has called us to do, we MUST stay focused because the world we live in is filled with distraction and entanglements.

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